Wednesday 19 September 2012

Early Ideas on Location

This image is an overview of the area I was thinking of filming in.. The contrast between the light outside and the darkness inside is what first caught my eye, as it reminded me of the 'good versus evil' 'idea'. The room had an archaic atmosphere and I could picture ghosts floating by in my trailer (if I had the equipment and knowledge to be able to edit it in this way)

I was considering setting my horror movie between the 1920's or 40's as this would support the idea of having ghosts involved. I thought this was a good location, as it was stylish and sophisticated. The white, light curtains and piano seemed like the ideal props to add tension, for example having the curtains move as if something supernatural is controlling them or having the piano play music seemingly by itself.

The carpet was mainly red, with gold and blue leaves- I thought the red could be representative of blood, supported by the blue leaves- which could represent the death of a person, as when they die their body becomes cold. The material of the carpet was luxorious, possibly suade or velvet which added to the archaic feeling as modern areas do not usually use this material in abundance.

The stained window glass made me think of old-fashioned gangsters or the mafia, and also reminded me of churches- which links to religion and is often part of a plot in horror moves. If I could replicate similar stained glass windows, I would probably like to have it all smash- but without showing what made it smash to add even more of a shocking factor. And hint that a ghost or spirit is responsible for it.

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