Thursday 25 April 2013

Final Trailer, Poster and Magazine cover.

After recieving some feedback and suggestions from my teachers I altered the magazine and poster slightly and produced these final pieces.

The magazine cover:

The teaser poster:

The final trailer!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Target Audience Profile

The target audience for 'Sweet Nightmare' is aged between roughly fifteen and mid-twenties. The movie is aimed at both men and women but is likely to appeal more to the female audience as the main character is female herself. Fans of all movie genres should be drawn to 'Sweet Nightmare' and hopefully horror movie fans. As this movie is of the psychological sub-genre it is likely to draw more educated audiences who are of a middle class background but of course this does not limit this to only the middle class audience. 


The type of audience that the movie will attract will be cultured and enjoy experiencing and witnessing different events/experiments, such as going to art exhibitions and the theatre. The target audience are open to new and exciting ideas, and like to discover new music acts and movies. The older end of the target audience have grown up with horror movies and witnessed all the changes and conventions used over the years. They look forward to what new horror movies will contain and what the story-lines will be. The older target audience members are likely to have stable relationships and enjoying going out on dates with their partners and using horror movies as an excuse to get closer. 

The younger end of the target audience do not have a large disposable income so rely on pocket money and any money they earn from part time jobs. Large groups of friends tend to go out for a meal and then a movie, this becomes almost a tradition, especially to celebrate birthdays. All ages of the target audience living in larger cities such as London, visit sites such as; the london dungeons, madame tussordes and go on ghost tours- to raise adrenaline levels and feed their need for new and exciting scary experiences.

FINAL IDEA - Narrative

My final idea revolves around three characters:

Kathryn - Kathryn (main character)
Meera - Lizzy (friend)
Ria - Evil villan

Kathryn sees a news report about Ria the murderer killing many people and soon becomes paranoid and worried that Ria will attack and kill her too. Lizzy, Kathryn's best friend is oblivious to Kathryn's worries and continues with normal day to day life. The two friends return to Kathryn's house after school and Kathryn soon witnesses a few odd illusions and thinks she sees Ria outside her front door. Lizzy laughs this off and makes her way through the house and Kathryn joins her shortly. The two friends spend the afternoon together and have a sleepover. The focus is on Kathryn's mental state, as it is a psychological horror movie. There is a sense of normality in the middle of the narrative, which is a false pretence as the audience become comfortable and forget that this is a horror movie. Kathryn has multiple nightmares and can't determine what is reality and what is a dream. She dreams that Ria is plotting to kill her and chases her and Lizzy around the house. Kathryn also dreams that Ria is standing over her watching her sleep and attacks Lizzy who woke up to ask if Kathryn was ok. This of course is a dream or feeling but Kathryn becomes almost possessed and ends up killing Lizzy out of the fear that Ria will kill her.

Development of Target Audience and Narrative

After changing my narrative/storyline multiple times I also had to alter my target audience profile a few times. At first the storyline was the couple in the forest- I wasn't entirely sure which age range to aim this at. I decided that the younger target audience members may loose interest in the storyline as it was not overly gorery and more of a emotional storyline than fun and thrilling- which tends to attract the younger target audience members. The target audience I was aiming this narrative at would now be the young adult woman, probably in a relatively serious relationship and would be able to understand and empathise with the main character as they will be of similar ages- around twenty-five years old. The narrative I feel needed to lean more towards the super-natural sub-genre or the psychological sub-genre. Instead of being equally balanced sub-genres I thought the narrative should focus more on the psychological elements as this is what I personally prefer. After searching for the right location, I decided I would not find a house that would be available to film in, and in or surrounded by a forest. 

Storyboard development

Please click on the link below to view the presentation involving storyboards and ideas.

Evaluation presentation

Please click on the links below to view my overall evaluation presentation on the Prezzi software.


Friday 1 March 2013

Practise shots & Evaluation

Before gathering all of my actors I wanted to do a test run and see which angles would work best, what lighting to use and how long it would take to film. This did prove useful as my original ideas did not work and I had to change multiple elements of my original storyboard. Below are a few examples of the practise shots i took and the issues or corrections that I realised I needed to make.

Carrying out multiple practise shots, allowed me to be prepare for the actual filming. The planned original 'settings' e.g. the bedroom and bed I planned to film, were not suitable as the mis-en-scene elements did not reflect the characters personality. 

Simple small objects like cushions and costume made a much larger impact on the overall effect- so i cleared everything from the shot for the 'real' filming- and only kept the necessities in the shot. Thus allowing the audience to focus on the most important aspects e.g. the narrative and the actors- rather than focusing on their surroundings.

Lighting also proved to be a bigger issue than I had previously thought. Once I had established which room and bed to make use of lighting was still an issue, despite using various lamps around the room. This is when I decided to see what the night-vision setting on the camera would look like. The green/blue tint that the screen now had- reminded me of the paranormal posters, and gave me the idea to have similar colours in my poster and possibly magazine.