Saturday 2 March 2013

FINAL IDEA - Narrative

My final idea revolves around three characters:

Kathryn - Kathryn (main character)
Meera - Lizzy (friend)
Ria - Evil villan

Kathryn sees a news report about Ria the murderer killing many people and soon becomes paranoid and worried that Ria will attack and kill her too. Lizzy, Kathryn's best friend is oblivious to Kathryn's worries and continues with normal day to day life. The two friends return to Kathryn's house after school and Kathryn soon witnesses a few odd illusions and thinks she sees Ria outside her front door. Lizzy laughs this off and makes her way through the house and Kathryn joins her shortly. The two friends spend the afternoon together and have a sleepover. The focus is on Kathryn's mental state, as it is a psychological horror movie. There is a sense of normality in the middle of the narrative, which is a false pretence as the audience become comfortable and forget that this is a horror movie. Kathryn has multiple nightmares and can't determine what is reality and what is a dream. She dreams that Ria is plotting to kill her and chases her and Lizzy around the house. Kathryn also dreams that Ria is standing over her watching her sleep and attacks Lizzy who woke up to ask if Kathryn was ok. This of course is a dream or feeling but Kathryn becomes almost possessed and ends up killing Lizzy out of the fear that Ria will kill her.

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