Sunday 11 November 2012

A collection of images that have inspired my horror movie trailer

A collection of images that have inspired my horror movie trailer.

The first image of the room with what appears to be colourful feathers floating around it, caught my eye as it seemed magical yet as if the room had been destroyed. I wanted my poster to have a similar look, one of awe and wonder but when you look closer you can see the destruction and darkness.

Below are some images which I liked the location of, unfortunately due to time and budget I was not able to film far from school or home. Most are isolated settings with breath-taking landscape. Isolated settings are understandably common in horror movies, so I hope my location can be isolated as well.

This is a clothing label tag, at first it caught my eye because it was such an unusual design for a label to have. Secondly it reminded me of an area in an old house which I lived in, that always used to scare me. If you look closely behind the blinds there appears to be a person, but because the light is distorted you cannot tell if it is the lighting or a person. I would definitely aim to re-create something similar to this design, as one cannot tell whether it is real or an illusion.

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