Monday 5 November 2012

Example of the questionnaire i gave out to the target audience

I handed out hard copies of the questionnaire to about 5 people, and sent about 10 online versions to select target audience members as I knew they liked the horror genre. I was not sure where to set my movie so included the question, hoping that the target audience would enlighten me as they have more experience and knowledge as they are indeed horror fans. I also wanted to make sure I was targeting the correct age of audience member so included that question too. I added question 3, as I am aware not every one enjoys horror movies- I want to reach a new target audience as I never used to enjoy them but now have a new appreciation for horror movies.  Overall I hope to find out more about what the target audience enjoy in a horror movie and what they find frightening, so that I can incorporate these elements and produce the best horror movie trailer I can.

1. Which age bracket do you fall into?   12-16    17-20   21-25   26-30+

2. Which type of movie is your favourite?     Comedy     Romance   Horror    Action/Adventure    War  Other _____________

3. What is your favourite HORROR MOVIE? – If you dislike horror movies please state why..

4. Roughly how many movies in total have you watched in the past 6 months?

5. Roughly how many horror movies have you watched in the past 6 months?
6. Do you normally watch a movie because... (write YES next to the ones that you agree with- you may choose more than 1)
A- You thought the trailer was good...
B- You know the storyline previously e.g from a book
C- A friend reccomened it to you
D- You saw a poster or magazine promoting it and you were interested by it..

6. Please state what you find frightening.. ( You may choose 2 from each area)

-Lack of lighting                          
-Bright lighting                             
- Flashing lights                            

- No sound
- Sudden burst of sound
- Strange/'creepy' music playing
- Screams

- Monster/creature
- Evil child
- Ghosts

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