Monday 5 November 2012

Questionnaire results

The chart above shows that most people who enjoy watching horror movies are aged between 14-16 and 17-19. Which is the target audience I am aiming to provide the horror movie for.

Horror movies have proven to be the most popular followed by Romantic movies and then Action movies. The research I have done supports that the target audience do enjoy horror movies which is a good indicator that many will want to watch a horror movie.

When asked what their favourite horror movies were here are some of the replies:

Meera: 'Saw is one of my favourites as it has a lot of twists in the storyline, you can't predict what is going to happen next, it keeps you on alert all the time and raises your adrenaline levels, which is a reason that people watch horror movies'.

Chloe: 'Zombie land is the only horror film or slightly scary film I have watched as I get frightened easily and don't enjoy getting scared the comedy moments made it easier to watch as it takes your mind off the scary-ness.'

Zoe: ' I don't have a favourite because I like all horror films. I like some slasher films and sometimes prefer the more psychological and supernatural films. I like watching some of my friends being scared by the horror films, their faces are so funny and I literally laugh at them when they hide behind pillows!'

Most people said that they would be likely to watch a horror movie and any other movie as a result of the trailer being really good and enticing them to watch it. The actors and actresses are the second biggest full factor as the audience have favourite actors and actresses and are likely to go and see the movie without even seeing the trailer if their favourite star acts in it. Movie posters displayed outside cinemas are also important as people passing by might stop and have a look at the posters if they are eye-catching enough- and people may be persuaded to watch the movie this way.

The above were rated as the most effective in creating tension, blood and gore was the fifth most popular however I decided I did not want to have any element of a slasher movie in my trailer as a psychological movie would be more scary rather than disgusting and shocking. Also in the feedback answering the question of 'What don't you like to see in a horror move?' I got a few answers saying 'Not a lot of blood' as it doesn't have the result of scaring them just making them feel ill from not seeing a particularly nice scene.

Another reason why I changed my original idea is because people said that having a horror movie set in the forest was so common and didn't really scare them as much. Having an unusual setting would provide something new for the audience to explore and they would be less likely to predict what is going to happen next, which in turn would make them more nervous.

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