Monday 12 November 2012

Target Audience member feedback - Zoe

I asked a member of the target audience- Zoe, to watch two trailers :Grave Encounters and The Uninvited - and highlight key parts that she thought were important.

The Uninvited

"Opening title part that is yellow - It flashed up quite quickly so I didn’t really take much notice of it. The high pitch ‘ting’ sounds throughout is quite eerie and even though it doesn’t seem to speed up like in most horror trailers, it still makes it feel tense. At first I thought the guy in the car was going to be the bad one, so I was a bit like ‘noo! Don’t get in the car’ but then he was nice to her, so I trusted his character and felt sorry for him because his parents were killed. There was like lightning, which made it scary because it was like a power cut and bad stuff can happen in the dark. The conversation with the mother adds a mystery to the trailer, why does that house allow them to live in theirs? The fast editing and reflection of woods don’t  really to trailer. Lamp being knocked over, made be jump, and wonder why the girl just walked straight into it. You can tell there’s something wrong with her. The round the table made the trailer seem a bit happier, but then you hear their conversation and it gets scary again. Newspaper fade into police security line, you see the girls name and then the police scene, you know she had something to do with it and it makes it seem scarier. The light going on was a bit scary, it made me wonder who was in the house. The fact she didn’t want the daughter alone in the house with him, made me a bit suspicious of him, could he actually be a bad guy? The daughter and guy on the sofa is breaking mothers rules, something bad always happens when you don’t listen to you mum! The carpet moving by itself was very tense, I wanted to warn the boy and girl that there was something in the room with them. Girl coming out of floor and couple continue, made it tense, again I wanted to warn the couple, starts to make my eyes squint because I think something is going to happen. Spiders running on old wall paper was creepy, especially because I hate spiders :L The phone made me scared that something had happened to her."


"The opening ‘Darclight’ fits in well with the horror, the way the light moved was like a torch searching for something.
 Editing was smooth and as the trailer went on switching between scenes seemed to speed up, like heart rate did. Most of it did look realistic, but at the very end when the girls mouth turned black and opened wide didn’t look that realistic.
 I liked the way the trailer was jumpy, and the bit at the end, when you think it’s over but then another loud jumpy bit happens. And I like the fact they tried to make it seem like something that really happened, when it said the footage remained hidden from the public for over 6 years – makes it seem all official. 
Story line was pretty good, it didn’t seem like a copy of another horror film.
 I thought the actors were good, I actually believed they were scared too. But lady at the end screams to much (haha).
  The archive footage was effective, it was quite eerie. Sound was good, the music was quite tense at the beginning making it more scary.

The parts with writing were also good, they added essential information to the story line, and the font they are in suits the horror theme.
The costume/clothes they wore seem like something I would wear to visit an old hospital place, and the patients are also wearing suitable costumes for being mental patients. The location looked quite scary, like what I would imagine an abandoned mental hospital to look like. The girl screaming at first it is scary, but I think she screams for too long and the fear wears off."

Zoe's feedback proved helpful as I gained an insight into what a true horror movie fan likes to see in movies / trailers. I found that the key to a good trailer is having good actors so made this my priority to get the best actors who were available.

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