Monday 12 November 2012

Further ideas on my narrative

I presented my original idea of the couple in the forest with the dog and the step sister idea- here is some of the feedback I received:

"They both sound pretty good.. I like the second one a bit more as i think the story line seems a bit more clever- like the audience are going to have to try and work out the mystery or try and keep up with the story, so they get involved. Whereas the first one seems a bit more basic, good, but as a member of the audience you won't have to be kept on your toes (if you know what i mean).

Maybe in the second one, the mum or dad could think the step sisters are not trying to get her into trouble and it is her being bad because she is jealous that she doesn't see the mum or dad or something then she has  to try and convince him or her that is wasn't her who killed the step-sisters.." - Zoe

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