Monday 5 November 2012

Developing Ideas

My original idea was going to be set in or near to a forest, however finding a house that would be suitable for filming that was near a forest proved very difficult. So i started thinking how I could incorporate the nature elements to a new idea. I then had the idea to have a girl move either away from the county side- to the city, or from the city- to the countyside. Depending on which would determine what the story line would be, moving from the country side to the city would limit the use of nature as something to be afraid of while moving to the county would be less restricting. I could not decide between the two so I am not going to focus largely on the setting of the trailer, more on the story line of the trailer. -Which will be in another post soon.

I really liked the way that the clouds and the sky looked in these images, as there was a hidden darkness but also light from the sun. I was unsure if I would be able to use some shots like these in my trailer but after watching Gothika, I saw there were similar shots which has inspired me further and I am definately aiming to use shots like these as they proved successful in adding tension to Gothika.

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