Monday 12 November 2012

Initial Make-Up and Costume ideas

The image below reminded me of a vampire, although vampires or 'creatures' will not be involved in my movie and therefore trailer. Using make-up like this may provoke the audience and make them wonder whether the character is a vampire or 'creature' or more of a disguise.

In the teenage movie 'Twilight' a close up of the main character's lips, which were chapped and dry. This allowed the audience to view the actress as less glamourous and more 'normal'. I am considering using a similar close up shot either of my actress's lips or eyes to immitate the similar 'Twilight' footage.

Instead of having the main character being natural through-out the entire trailer or movie, I am considering having a moment where the audience see the bad or evil side to her personality- almost like  the 'Jeckle and Hyde' story. Here are some costume ideas, that will make her look sophisticated as opposed to plain and ordinary girl.

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