Monday 12 November 2012

Movie magazine front covers analysis

I wanted to explore whether it a masthead could last a number of years without changing drastically and to see if I would be influenced by the outcome. 'Empire' has indeed successfully kept a similar font.  The consistency of the masthead over the years has helped to secure the brand identity of the magazine. It is quite common for mastheads to more or less stay the same in appearance over the years, while the rest of the front cover experience changes. 

The two editions of the same magazine are similar despite being published within a few years of each other. The magazine focuses on all movies rather than just horror movies- as horror movie fans tend to be a smaller target audience rather than movie fans of all genres in general.

This cover follows conventions of magazine covers as it includes a masthead and sell line as well as a strap line and a banner. The older issue does not include a banner or strap line however and places most of its sell lines in the left hand third where the human eye is drawn to first. The newer issue has the main characters from the movies that the magazine is primarily focusing on this issue, in front of the masthead- as the magazine is well enough established to be able to do so. Audiences will be able to identify the brand even if some of it is covered or blocked. Meanwhile the older issue has the character placed be hide the masthead which suggests that the magazine was not as established as it is now.

The font and size of the masthead have not changed much throughout the years, which is possibly why it is so well recognised today. The font is simple and easy to read from far away so is ideal for advertising.

The newer issue has a lot more colour on it- for example the fire in the background and the banner containing various movies as well. Compared to the older issue which has three main colours, black, red and white. Some prefer the older issue as it is more representative of the horror genre- and in this issue it focuses on horror movies referring to multiple movies in the sell lines 'Catering for cannibals' and 'Are you psycho?'.

The newer issue also has its characters standing tall and powerful and looking determined and reading to battle against evil, while the older issue is more creepy and frightening. It can be said that the close up of the main actor on the older issue is  more representative of the horror movie genre, rather than a range genres of movies which 'Empire' magazine focuses on.

After doing this research I have a better understanding of how a magazine can keep its masthead in a similar style but each copy of the magazine can be focused on different genres. This has provided me with the knowledge that if my magazine was as successful as 'Empire' magazine then I would be able to focus on certain genres such as horror- as 'Empire' and other movie magazines have done in the past.

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