Sunday 11 November 2012

Poster analysis 2 - Grace

This image is chilling as soon as you realise its a baby's bottle filled with what probably is blood. The use of red as previously mentioned is common among horror movie texts. Red is associated with love, passion, pain, hell and the devil. So if a child drank this blood, one could say they became consumed by passion, pain and the devil.. The blood contrasts dramatically with the plain light background, which connotes that the baby/child that has drank this blood is possibly innocent. But on the other hand it could be said that the baby/child is in fact evil, but is hiding behind the fasade that they are young and appear innocent and angelic. This is a typical horror movie convention that innocent objects and transformed into something dangerous that should be feared. The fear of children becoming obsessed or demonic is a technique that has been employed in the past, 'thalidomide' children are an example of a fear that came to live. Blood being contained in the bottle proves how corrupt childhood can be. The immediate area around the bottle is lighter than the outer edges of the poster giving the audience a small amount of hope, even though the situation seems to be dire. A shadow of the bottle falls to the left side of the poster, which implies that this is not a photoshopped image but perhaps a real photograph of the bottle therefore in turn suggesting that this is reality and not an illusion. A pessimistic attitude can be read from the image, as the bottle is half empty, which shows that the baby/child has drank from it, which makes the audience worry. Of course baby bottles are linked to babies and young children, the name of the movie is 'Grace' which could easily be a young child's name. This hints that the movie with revolve around a character called Grace. The word 'grace' is associated with religion and has positive connotations. It could be that the character is asking for grace or forgiveness which intrigues the audience and makes them feel sympathetic towards the main character. Religion being involved in horror movies is common as most people turn to religion in times of worry and need, when this comforter is corrupted by evil it seems that nothing will be able to save them.

The idea of drinking blood is reminiscent of vampires and it seen as inhumane or cannibalist to drink blood, which supports the theory that this baby/child is more of a creature than a human. 'Blood thirsty' is a phrase that comes to mind and connotes that this creature or young child is hunting for a person to kill and consume possibly, or after revenge- which can be linked to the idea of asking for grace. The character could also been seen as 'blood thirsty' for change essentially, and may grow up and look back, feeling regretful of murdering a person. The title of the movie is associated with happiness and peace yet it is a horror movie which confuses the audience again slightly as they are unsure what to expect exactly.

The bottle being half empty implies that it is too late for the child to avoid evil and the damage is now done. The strap at the top of the poster and the name at the bottom frame the bottle and draw attention towards the fly sitting on the top of the bottle. Flies are seen as dirty creatures that are a nuisance and unwanted by the majority. Fles are perceived are disease spreading creatures which can be related to the idea that drinking the blood from the bottle is almost spreading the evilness. 

The name of the movie 'Grace' has a red tone to it, the tone is blotchy as if it is blood- I really like this element as it is similar to blood soaking through fabric- but in word form, which adds a magical and unbelievable twist to the poster. The strap at the top of the poster reads 'Love. Undying.', the colouring of this text is dark and probably a tone of black, which draws attention to the fly again. The idea of love being introduced is viable as people can relate to strong feelings of love and know that love has no end. Alongside the word 'love' is the word 'undying', which supports the idea that love will never end. But this can also be interpreted as the character Grace killing someone because they told her they dont love her anymore possibly and she has no turned into an evil being.

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